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- White Sea is also a name of the Aegean Sea
Se Cwēnsǣ (Бе́лое мо́ре) is an inlet of the Barents Sea on the North Western coast of Russlandes. It is surrounded by Karelia to the west, and the Kola peninsula to the north.
The important port of Arkhangelsk is located on the White Sea. For much of Russia's history this was Russia's main centre of international maritime trade, conducted by the so-called Pomors ("seaside settlers") from Kholmogory. In the modern era it became an important Soviet naval and submarine base.
Se Cwēnsǣ-Ōstsǣ Wæterweg fēgþ þone Cwēnsǣ mid þǣm Ōstsǣ.
Eall se Cwēnsǣ is under Russiscum ealdordōme (i.e. geþōht tō bēonne inlicu wæter Russlandes).