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Mōnandæg is þǣre wuce dæg betwēonan Sunnandæge and Tīwesdæge. Hē nimþ his naman of þǣm gode Seaxena þæt man hǣteþ Mōna.
Mōnandæg is hwīlum heold tō þǣm forman dæge þǣre wuce (on Europan swīðost), and hwīlum þǣm oðerum dæge (ealdriht of ealdum Iūdēum and is gīet geþēawe in Brytenrīce and þǣm Geanlǣhtan Underrīcum). For þǣm, se nama þæs dæges on Arabisce and Grēcisce and Hebrēisce and Portuglisce is "ōðer dæg".
Sē wunelica þēaw þisses dæges is tō healdanne Mōnandæg tō þǣm onginne þǣre swincwuce, for þǣm þe hit is gewunelic þæt geþogene gāþ eft tō swincanne, and cildru gāþ eft tō leorninghūse æfter þǣm wucende, hēonan sēo ādl þe man gewosalīce hǣteþ "Mōnandæges sēocnesse". Ān wēn for Mōnandæges sēocnesse is for þǣm þe mennisca ymbdæges flōwunga (circadian rhythms) bēoþ ungedēfe mid þǣre swincwuce fēowertigra stunda.
On þǣm wīdcūðum leoðe, Mōnandæges cild is fǣger ansīene.
Gārfeld se ātīefrenda catt hataþ Mōnandagas.