XSLT elements
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This article lists some of the elements used in XSLT.
Contents |
[edit] XSLT logic elements
Node | Description/ attributes | Container/ children | Example |
xsl: apply-templates | Specifies that other matches may exist within that node; if this is not specified any matches will be ignored
If “select” is specified, only the specified templates will be applied. |
Any parent No children |
<xsl:apply-templates/> |
xsl: choose |
Multiple choices No attributes |
Any parent Contains xsl:when blocks |
<xsl:choose> … |
xsl: for-each |
Creates a loop which repeats for every match
“select” designates the match criteria |
Any parent Can contain any XML |
<xsl:for-each select="input[@name=$name]">
xsl:if |
Yes or No conditions
“test” specifies criteria for entering the if |
Any parent Can contain any XML |
<xsl:if test="$type='text' or $type='password'"> … |
xsl: otherwise |
The default choice if none of the “xsl:when” criteria are met | xsl:choose Can contain any XML |
<xsl:otherwise> … |
xsl: stylesheet |
Top-level element. Occurs only once in a stylesheet document.
“version” specifies which XSLT version is being used “xmlns:xsl” specifies the URL of that standard |
Top-level element. Contains all XML | <xsl:stylesheet>
… </xsl:stylesheet> |
xsl: template |
Specifies processing templates “match” is when the template should be used. |
xsl:stylesheet Can contain any XML |
<xsl:template match="//input"> … |
xsl: variable |
Allows a variable to be declared
“name” is the variable name. It can be referred to later with “$name” “select” is the value of the variable |
Any parent no children |
<xsl:variable name="type" select="@type"/> |
xsl:when |
Yes or No conditions
“test” specifies criteria for entering the if |
Can contain any XML |
<xsl:when test="$type='radio'"> … |
[edit] Example XSLT stylesheet using logic elements
<xsl:stylesheet> <xsl:template match="//input"> <xsl:variable name="type" select="@type"/> <xsl:variable name="name" select="@name"/> <xsl:if test="$type='text' or $type='password' or $type='radio' or $type='checkbox'"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$type='radio'"> <xsl:if test="not(preceding-sibling::input[@type='radio'])"> <select name="{@name}"> <xsl:for-each select="../input[@name=$name]"> <option value="{@value}"> <xsl:apply-templates/> </option> </xsl:for-each> </select> </xsl:if> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$type='text'"> <input name="{@name}" type="{@type}"> <xsl:apply-templates/> </input> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$type='password'"> <input name="{@name}" type="{@type}"> <xsl:apply-templates/> </input> </xsl:when> </xsl:choose> </xsl:if> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>
[edit] XSLT file I/O elements
Node | Description/ attributes | Container/ children | Example |
xsl:call-template | Calls the template whose name is specifed.
“name” matches the “name” in xsl-template |
Any parent children are xsl:with-param |
<xsl:call-template name="lib:make-elem"> |
import |
Retrieves another XSLT file "href" is the path to the file |
xls:stylesheet No children |
<xsl:import href="..\Library\FuncLib.xslt"/> |
xsl:output | Describes how data will be returned “method” designates what kind of data is returned |
xls:stylesheet No children |
<xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes" encoding="UTF-8"/> |
xsl: param | Designates a parameter which may be passed into the template with xsl:call-template. | xsl:template No children |
<xsl:param name="elem-name"/> |
xsl:text | Outputs the tag content | Any parent No children |
<xsl:text>ClaimNumber ClaimSeqNumber</xsl:text> |
xsl:value-of | Outputs a variable “select” specifies the variable |
Any parent No children |
<xsl:value-of select="$s"/> |
xsl:with-param | Designates a parameter passed to xsl:call-template. It must be matched by an xsl:param in the template. “name” specifies the parameter name. |
xsl:call-template No children |
<xsl:with-param name="elem-name" select="'hma:ClaimNumber'"/> |
Client-side XSLT can be implemented in a browser by adding a line like the following to the source XML file, right after the root XML tag. <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="family.xsl"?>
This is described on the page [http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2000/10/25/msie/index.html]
[edit] Other XSLT semantics
symbol | meaning | where used |
| | union operator. used to group nodesets in XPath expressions. | select attributes of elements such as xsl:when, xsl:if, xsl:for-each |
& | and | any conditional or match criterion, for example xsl:if.test, xsl:when.test, xsl:template.select and xsl:for-each.select |
<!-- | begin comment | anywhere not in a tag |
--> | end comment | anywhere not in a tag |
$ | start of a variable name | anywhere in a tag, for example xsl:value-of.select and xsl.variable.name |
name() | the name of the tag being processed. Useful if the matching criteria contains |s (pipe symbols) | any conditional or match criterion, for example xsl:if.test, xsl:when.test, xsl:template.select and xsl:for-each.select |
@ | an attribute within the XML | any conditional or match criterion, for example xsl:if.test, xsl:when.test, xsl:template.select and xsl:for-each.select |
[edit] Functions defined by XSLT
The following functions can occur in many XSLT attributes, such as xsl:value-of.select and xsl:for-each.select.
Function | Description/ Syntax | Example |
ceiling | The ceiling function returns the smallest integer that is equal to or is larger than the numeric value of the number argument. | ceiling(3.57) |
concat | Concatenates two or more strings, which are listed in the parentheses | concat($fname,’ ‘, $lname) |
count | The count function counts and returns the number of nodes in a node-set. | count(elements) |
floor | The floor function returns the largest integer that is equal to or is smaller than the numeric value of the number argument. | floor(3.57) |
normalize-space | Removes white-space from the beginning and end of the string | normalize-space($fname) |
position | The position function returns the position number in the current node list of the node that is currently being processed by an xsl:for-each or xsl:apply-templates element. There are no arguments. | position() |
round | The round function rounds a number to its closest integer. | round(3.57) |
string | The string function converts the value argument to a string. | string() |
string-length | The string-length function returns the number of characters in a string. The string argument is optional. If omitted, the default is to use the string value of the context node. | string-length(‘hello’) |
substring | A segment within a variable value. Substring takes three parameters: the input variable, the first character to be selected, and the length of the resulting string | substring($dob,4,2) |
substring-after | The substring-after function returns a portion out of the string specified in the string argument that occurs after the substring specified in the substring argument. | substring-after(‘In 1814 we took a little trip’, ‘we’) |
substring-before | The substring-before function returns a portion out of the string specified in the string argument that occurs before the substring specified in the substring argument. | substring-before(‘In 1814 we took a little trip’, ‘we’) |
sum | The sum function adds and returns the total value of a set of numeric values in a node-set or list of values. | sum(1,3,7,12) |
translate | Takes the string in the value argument, replaces all occurrences of a string specified in the string1 argument with substitute characters specified in string2 argument and returns the modified string. | translate(‘colored armor’, ‘or’, ‘our’) |
[edit] External links
- The W3C XSLT recommendation document describes the whole syntax and semantics of XSLT 1.0
- Devguru listing of functions More readable, though partial, listing of XSLT functions