As a'Wikipedia
[deasaich] Leughadh nas fhaide
- Storey, Mark Social Nudity, Sexual Attraction, and Respect Lom & Nàdarra iris, 24.3 an t-Earrach 2005.
- Storey, Mark Children, Social Nudity and Academic Research Lom & Nàdarra iris, 23.4 Samhradh 2004.
- Rouche, Michel, "Private life conquers state and society," in A History of Private Life vol I, Paul Veyne, editor, Harvard University Press 1987 ISBN 0-674-39974-9
- Brandom, Robert, "Critical Notice of Blind and Worried", Theoria 70:2-3, 2005.
[deasaich] Ceanglaichean a-mach