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User talk:Kahuroa - Wikipedia

User talk:Kahuroa

Nō Wikipedia Māori

Rārangi kōrero

[edit] Nau mai, Haere mai

E ngā mana, e ngā taniwha maha o ngā kokonga o te ao, waiho mai ō whakaaro i raro iho nei. Kahuroa 11:04, 11 Here-turi-kōkā 2006 (UTC)

[edit] He Tapepa Tonu Au!

Tēnā koe, e te whānaunga e noho ana i raro i te marumaru nui o Te Aroha. He pai tonu kia kite i a koe, me ngātehi atu tāngata, e hihiko ana ki te whakamāori mai i ngā rārangi/whiti mai te reo Ingarihi ki roto ki te reo Māori o Aotearoa nei. E hinengaro noa iho ana au ki te mihi ki tāu aumihi, ā, kia whakamōhiotia noatia iho koe kua pāngia tōku ngākau e tāu aumihi. āe, e hoki ake ana ki te whakaupoko, he tapepa tonu nei au ki te whakatikatika haere i ngā rārangi nā runga i tēnei pae tukutuku, he kūware nōku ki te whakamahi tika i ngā whakahau (me kī rā, he commands) i tēnei wāhi. Nō reira, he maha ngāku uihanga e pā ana ki te whakatikanga i tēnei wāhi.

Ko te tūmanako, ka kōrerorero tāua ā tētehi wā i te wā muri.

Nāku noa,

Nā Māori rahi Maori rahi

[edit] Welcome?

I registered at this wikipedia because I want to have an account in wikipedias that I like. I love the Polynesia, and that is the reason for my signup here. For your information, I don't know nothing in māori and I don't have the intention to write articles/stubs. My hard work is in ca: and commons, with some activity in :ty. Thank you for your friendly welcome.

Tahitoa 22:00, 11 Whiringa-ā-rangi 2006 (UTC)

[edit] He mihi ano

He mihi atu tenei ki a koe mou e mahi kaha nei ki te hapai i te mana o te reo. Kaua e wareware, ahakoa nga whakaaro whakahihi a etehi Pakeha, he pohehe no ratou ki te tahae pokanoa i nga taonga i waiho iho ma taua, ka taea tonutia te kite te kino o o ratou poreareatanga. Kia kaha koe e te rangatira, i runga i te mohio, ma nga tupuna e whakapakari i nga mokopuna, me te aha, ka tu ratou ki to taha e tama.

Matapihi 05:51, 12 Whiringa-ā-rangi 2006 (UTC)

Tēnā rā koe. He mea nei te tau e huaki ana i te kiri kamo. Riua te tinana ki rangi tawhiti tēnei rā tō wairua, te whakahiapo nei nā te kamo i arawhiti, nāu te waihotanga nei ruhi ai - e mahara iho ana ka tauwheru au ki te whare. Te eke atu i te mata taputapu au nō tētahi, te waka i a tētahi anō e rere ana ia i waho rā, hei kawe i au ngā ngaru tauārai atu ki tawhiti. Kahuroa 18:33, 12 Whiringa-ā-rangi 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Kia ora

  • Thanks for your translation :-) Ev 00:05, 22 Hakihea 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Ka pai, tautoko

Ka tino tautoko ahau ki āu mahi katoa ki konei. Ka pai rawa te whakakaha i te tū o te reo rangatira. Nō reira, kia kaha koe e te rangatira. Matapihi 03:31, 27 Hakihea 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Te Rangikāheke‎

Thanks for the link and the picture. Do you know if he was also the author of this book signed by Grey http://books.google.com/books?vid=OCLC07449395&id=R5wRAAAAIAAJ&pg#PRA1-PP16,M1

Congratulation for your great work on the maori wikipedia. If only tahitians and CI Maori could take example on it. May be one day.

Na Laurent Nevers

Kia ora koe. Heoi anō, nā Curnow tēnei: Eight manuscripts deal with myths and tribal history. Three of these were the source of most of the prose material in Grey's Ko nga moteatea, me nga hakirara o nga Maori (1853), and also provided Grey with at least a quarter of the material for his Ko nga mahinga a nga tupuna Maori (1854), and hence for its translation, Polynesian mythology (1855). Grey did not acknowledge his debt, and introduced alterations, combinations and omissions, particularly in the latter two works. Kahuroa 21:14, 6 Kohi-tātea 2007 (UTC)
I just see what you mean about the tahitian or I should say the catalo-tahitian wikipedia. Funny :) I think someone should told this so called Tahititoa to stop here. But after all, this is the business of the Tahitians and they have no excuse not to manage it. Contrarily to lots of south pacific islands, they have cheap and high speed connection and believe me they spend time on the internet, genraly for endless chatterings about politics. Ok for the translation, i'll do it this week fr:Utilisateur:Nevers
Merci beaucoup! Kahuroa 09:40, 7 Kohi-tātea 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Auckland Meetup 2 Scheduled - Feb 10 2007. See: en:Wikipedia:Meetup/Auckland 2

Hi, We have scheduled a meetup in Auckland next month. It would be great if you or other people from the Māori Wikipedia could attend. Could you please let others here know about it. Here is the invite I am planning to use. - en:User:SimonLyall

You are all invited to Auckland Meetup 2 on the afternoon of Saturday February 10th 2007 at Galbraith's Ale House in Mt Eden. Please see en:Wikipedia:Meetup/Auckland 2 for details. You can also bookmark en:Wikipedia:Meetup/Auckland to be informed of future NZ meetups.

[edit] Translation

Here's the translation you asked me.

Les site est-il fait pour aider les contributeurs ayant un niveau de langue limité ?

Ce site est dédié à la langue maori et ses locuteurs. Notre objectif n'est pas de fournir une aide aux locuteurs d'autres langues. Par le passé une telle politique a été appliquée avant d'être depuis abandonnée en raison de ses effets contre-productifs, le nombre de pages en ébauche et les listes inutiles s'étant multipliés. De plus un grand nombre de sujets abordés n'avait aucun intérêt pour les locuteurs qui n'avaient aucune envie de les améliorer.

Puis-je améliorer mon maori en ajoutant des ébauches

De même que pour les autres petites wikipedia, la version Maori a une politique demandant de ne pas créer d'ébauches. Il vaut encore mieux aucun article qu'une ébauche d'article. La raison en est que les ébauches consistant en une seule phrase sont plus une nuisance qu'une véritable contribution. Cette wikipedia ayant bien moins d'utilisateurs que la version anglophone, ses utilisateurs ont une plus grande responsabilité envers leur contribution. Si vous n'êtes pas capable d'écrire un article correctement, au moins ajoutez le bandeau {{Maramara}}.

D'autres contributeurs corrigeront-ils mes fautes?

De même que pour la question précédente, le réponse dépend de votre degré d'implication. La langue māori est considérée comme 'te reo rangatira' – une noble langue qui mérite d'être traitée avec respect. Ne créez pas d'articles à moins d'avoir une bonne maîtrise de la langue, sans quoi cela sera considéré comme un manque de respect. Sachez également que corriger les fautes des autres n'est ni simple ni une partie de plaisir. La langue étant toujours considérée comme étant en danger de disparition, les personnes ayant un bon niveau sont peu nombreux et peut être peu intéressées par l'article que vous avez tenté d'écrire. Pensez vous qu'il soit juste d'avoir ainsi exposé aux yeux du monde une langue mal écrite. Soyez sur qu'une grammaire déficiente sera l'une des raisons pour une suppression rapide de l'article

Merci beaucoup pour ca.Kahuroa 04:45, 8 Kohi-tātea 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Re: Vandalism

Hi Kahuroa, the best thing to do is just protect the pages that the spam bots create, if you don't it will just keep recreating them over and over. And most wikis usually just block the offending IP for at least 2-3 months.  : ) --Az1568 02:17, 27 Kohi-tātea 2007 (UTC)

[edit] CommonsTicker: CommonsTicker, The Next Generation

I am currently testing a new version of CommonsTicker (dubbed CommonsTicker NG) on the german Wikipedia - problems with ticker pages growing too large made a partial rewrite necessary. Most changes are "under the hood", the larges change for users is in the way the ticker page is structured and updated:

CommonsTicker will now create a subpage for each day, and include this as a template on the ticker page. New entries for a given day are added to the respective subpage without modifying existing entries on that subpage. Old subpages (sections) are removed automatically from the main ticker page - per default, 7 sections are kept (days for which there are no entries are not counted). Please check that your ticker page has both start- and end-markers for the region where CommonsTicker should post (see m:User:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker#Ticker_Page); everything between the markers will be replaced. If the markers are missing, the entire page is replaced.

When I have finished testing CommonsTicker NG, I will activate the new version on the wikis where CommonsTicker is currently disabled due to problems with page size (the large projects I mentioned in the last announcement). When all goes well, I will start to switch other wikis to NG one by one, as seems convenient. If you want the new version soon, or you don't want it yet for some reason, please tell me about it on m:User:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker#Change_Requests.

This message was posted automatically by the CommonsTicker bot. For feedback and discussion, please go to meta:User talk:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker -- CommonsTicker 14:48, 6 Hui-tanguru 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Problems for the ʻOkina Template in German Wikipedia

Hi Kahuroa, as you might know I introduced the Template for the ʻOkina in the German Wikipedia. Recently a user started to delete the template links in the article de:Hawaii which I refused to accept. That user cannot see certain representations of the ʻOkina due to well known problems of the MS Internet Explorer. Currently there's a Mediation Committee discussing the subject. I proposed a workaround for the MSIE (MSIE und UTF-8, in German), but the counterparty don't want to accept. He argues, that this workaround is not reasonable for users with the MSIE. If you're interested to discuss this, you may check this page (in German):

Thanks in advance for consideration, ThT 13:00, 16 Hui-tanguru 2007 (UTC)

answered: Workaround --ThT 07:05, 19 Hui-tanguru 2007 (UTC)
Kia ora. --ThT 10:39, 19 Hui-tanguru 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Template:Okina

Hi Kahuroa, you deleted the interwiki-links connecting the template with Wikipedia in other languages. Did I violate a rule or convention by implementing the links? Greetings, ThT 18:28, 21 Hui-tanguru 2007 (UTC)

no, you didn't break any rules. I reverted it because it was displaying incorrectly - i noticed that it was making an extra line on some pages. But, I should have worked out why and restored the interwikis - I will do that now. Cheers 23:16, 21 Hui-tanguru 2007 (UTC)
I breathed a sigh of relief ... Well, I think it was that linebreak before the <noinclude> tag. I should have doublechecked with the English or German template before. Sorry about the extra efforts for you. Greetings, ThT 06:58, 22 Hui-tanguru 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Huia

Tena koe Kahuroa

I've added a picture to the Huia article - could you please doublecheck the text to the picture? Thank you Wolfgang K 09:10, 16 Poutū-te-rangi 2007 (UTC)

Kia ora koe - thanks - the text was fine, but I changed it to read 'Hinepare, a woman of Ngāti Kahungunu, wearing huia feathers' Kahuroa 09:38, 16 Poutū-te-rangi 2007 (UTC)

[edit] en iwi

Tena koe Kahuroa

thank you for the important hint in terms of the English iwi-article. I will doublecheck the german iwi-article within the next days. Wolfgang K 09:52, 17 Poutū-te-rangi 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Help !!

Tena Koe Kahuroa

could you please support me? I applied in the German wikipedia for change of the category's name Kategorie:Maori to Kategorie:Māori incl. the macron. The discussion can be found here: [1]

Kia ora Wolfgang K 02:38, 21 Poutū-te-rangi 2007 (UTC)

[edit] bureaucrat?

Sorry about asking Robin, I was not aware of that. Would you object to me nominating you for bureaucratship here, so there would be a active bureaucrat here? Heoi anō; nā Brian (talk) 04:33, 14 Paenga-whāwhā 2007 (UTC)

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