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[edytuj] Lego SW 2

Postać Broń Umiejętności
Luke Skywalker (Tatooine) Blaster Nurkowanie, uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków
Luke Skywalker (przebranie szturmowca) Blaster Nurkowanie, uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków, otwieranie drzwi szturmowców (tylko z hełmem)
Luke Skywalker (Pilot) Blaster Nurkowanie, uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków
Luke Skywalker (Hoth) Blaster Nurkowanie, uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków
Luke Skywalker (Dagobah) Niebieski miecz świetlny Moc Jedi
Luke Skywalker (Bespin) Niebieski miecz świetlny Moc Jedi
Luke Skywalker (Jedi) Zielony miecz świetlny Moc Jedi
Luke Skywalker (Endor) Zielony miecz świetlny Moc Jedi
Han Solo Pistolet blasterowy Nurkowanie, uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków
Han Solo (przebranie szturmowca) Pistolet blasterowy Nurkowanie, uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków, otwieranie drzwi szturmowców (tylko z hełmem)
Han Solo (Hoth) Pistolet blasterowy Nurkowanie, uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków
Han Solo (Hoth w kapturze) Pistolet blasterowy Nurkowanie, uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków
Han Solo (Endor) Pistolet blasterowy Nurkowanie, uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków
Han Solo (Skiff) Pistolet blasterowy Nurkowanie, uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków
Księżniczka Leia Blaster Policzkowanie, używanie haków
Księżniczka Leia (Hoth) Blaster Policzkowanie, używanie haków
Księżniczka Leia (Bespin) Blaster Policzkowanie, używanie haków
Księżniczka Leia (Niewolnica) Blaster Policzkowanie, używanie haków, dance
Księżniczka Leia (Endor) Blaster Policzkowanie, używanie haków
Księżniczka Leia (Boussh) Blaster Policzkowanie, używanie haków, rzuca detonatory termiczne
R2-D2 Wyposażenie droida Otwieranie drzwi robotów, silniczki rakietowe
C-3PO Brak Otwieranie drzwi robotów protokolarnych
Ben Kenobi Niebieski miecz świetlny Moc perswazji
Żołnierz rebelii Blaster Używanie haków
Kaptain Antilles Blaster Uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków
Przyjaciel rebelii (Żołnierz rebelii ubrany na czerwono) Blaster Używanie haków
Chewbacca Kusza Rozrywanie szturmowców, uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków
Lando Calrissian (Bespin) Blaster pistol Ciosy Kung-Fu, używanie haków, całowanie dłoni Leii
Lando Calrissian (Gwardia pałacowa) Blaster pistol Ciosy Kung-Fu, używanie haków, całowanie dłoni Leii
Darth Vader Czerwony miecz świetlny Moce ciemnej strony, Duszenie
Imperator Palpatine Czerwony miecz świetlny Moce ciemnej strony, Pioruny
Pilot rebelii Blaster Używanie haków

Postać Broń Umiejętności
żołnierz Rebelii (Hoth) Blaster Używanie haków
Jawa Ionization Blaster (Droid-Stunner) Przechodzi przez małe otwory
Yoda Zielony miecz świetlny Moc Jedi
Wicket W. Warrick Proca Przechodzi przez małe otwory, używanie haków
Anakin Skywalker (duch mocy) Miecz świetlny Moc, Intangibility
Yoda (duch mocy) Miecz świetlny Moc, Intangibility
Obi-Wan Kenobi (duch mocy) Miecz świetlny Moc, Intangibility
Gwardzista Gamorrean Topór Używa topór jak gitary, gdy słyszy muzykę
Palace Guard Blaster Używanie haków
Skiff Guard Blaster Używanie haków
Szpieg Imperium (Garindan) Szpieg Używa walkie-talkie
Pilot TIE Fighter Blaster Używanie haków
Żołnierz z Gwiazdy Śmierci Blaster Używanie haków
Greedo Blaster Nurkowanie, rzut detonatorem, uderzenie pięścią , używanie haków
Gonk Droid Brak Indestructible toward blasters and lightsabers (only in levels)
Ludzie pustyni Strzelba blasteroa Używanie haków, uderzenie pięścią
Szturmowiec Blaster Używanie haków
Sandtrooper Blaster Używanie haków
Snowtrooper Blaster Używanie haków
Plażowy Szturmowiec Blaster Używanie haków
Boba Fett Karabin blasterowy Rzut detonatorem, plecak rakietowy, uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków
IG-88 Blaster Rzut detonatorem, uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków, otwieranie drzwi droidów obu typów
Bossk Blaster Rzut detonatorem, uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków
Dengar Blaster Rzut detonatorem, uderzenie pięścią
4-LOM Karabin Blaster Rzut detonatorem, uderzenie pięścią, używanie haków, protocol door access, astromech door access
Bib Fortuna Brak Uderzenie pięścią, otwieranie drzwi łowców nagród
Wielki Moff Tarkin Blaster Używanie haków
Oficer Imperium Blaster Używanie haków, uderzenie pięścią
Admirał Ackbar Blaster pistol Nurkowanie, używanie haków
Ewok Slingshot Przechodzi przez małe otwory, używanie haków
Imperialny Gwardzista Pika mocy Brak
Bespin Guard Blaster Używanie haków
Lobot Brak Fights with a right, then left uppercut, then a headbutt
Ugnaught Ionization Blaster Przechodzi przez małe otwory, używanie haków

[edytuj] Obrazek


[edytuj] RASY SW

|{{Infobox StarWarsSpecies |  
name =Gamorrean |
sampleimage = [[Image:Gamorrean.png|200px]]|
homeworld =[[Gamorr]]  |
language = |
height = 1.7 meters |
skincolor = green |
distinctions = pig-like features|
weapon = [[Vibroweapon|vibro-ax]] |
races = none known |
famousmembers = 

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<div class="references-small">


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[edytuj] Wykres

 Stara Republika
                                  |            |
                                  V Wojny klonów V
                 Imperium Galaktyczne        Separatyści
                   |                              |
                   |                              V
                   |              Sojusz Rebeliantów
                   |                   |
                   |                   V
                   |         Sojusz Wolnych Planet
                   |                   |
                   V                   V
           Resztki Imperium      Nowa Republika
                   |                   |
                   V                   V
         Galaktyczna Federacja Niezależnych Sojuszów

[edytuj] Grey Jedi

Grey Jedi, although having completed the teachings of the Jedi Order, are Jedi that had either been exiled or had disassociated themselves from the Jedi Council. Consequently, they operate independently outside the Jedi Order. The Jedi Council typically sees them as misguided, though they have not necessarily succumbed to the dark side of the Force. They are the mavericks of the Jedi Order, and often stray closer to the dark side than most. Jolee Bindo, Count Dooku, Revan, the Jedi Exile, Kreia, Jon Antilles, the Dark Woman, Kyle Katarn, and Vergere are commonly identified as Grey Jedi, although Katarn returned to the Light Side. In Knights of the Old Republic II, it is possible to acquire a Grey Jedi Robe. Grey Jedi usually carry silver lightsabers but it is quite likely to see one carrying their lightsaber from their jedi times.

[edytuj] Hutt

Jabba the Hutt as seen in the film Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999).

The Hutts are a fictional alien race in the Star Wars universe. They have appeared in The Phantom Menace and Return of the Jedi, as well as the special edition release of A New Hope, although it is only in The Phantom Menace that Hutts other than Jabba the Hutt are portrayed. They also appear in various Star Wars games, including those based on the movies, and the Knights of the Old Republic series. None of these, however, are very friendly and all are criminally involved.[1]

Their native language, Huttese, is a lingua franca of galactic organized crime.

[edytuj] Origins

Szablon:Cleanup fiction-as-factThe Hutts originated on a forest planet called Varl, in a binary star system consisting of the two stars Evona and Ardos, which the Hutts worshipped as gods. According to Hutt legend, Evona was absorbed by a black hole, and Ardos collapsed on itself over grief for its mate. Since the Hutts survived the deaths of their Gods, they believed they had become Gods, hence their egocentrism. Scientists believe the Hutts destroyed their world in a civil war.

After Varl's devastation, the Hutts migrated to a planet called Evocar, and displaced the peaceful natives through canny business practices, even going so far as to evict them. The Hutts renamed their new planet Nal Hutta—"Glorious Jewel" in Huttese. Nal Hutta is the capital of Hutt Space, the species' empire. The primary moon of Nal Hutta is Nar Shadaa.

Before the establishment of the Old Republic, the Hutts were the dominant species in the galaxy, although they never built up an extensive empire, their dominance focused instead on trade and economic empires. Kossak was a famous Hutt conqueror of this time who defeated Xim the Despot at the Third Battle of Vontor, according to Galaxy Guide 12 — Aliens: Enemies and Allies and the Han Solo Trilogy.

[edytuj] Physiology

Szablon:Unreferenced Hutts are an evolutionary mix. Generally, they are considered Gastropods because of their form of locomotion, moving along their tail. They have two stubby arms, and a large mouth to consume food. Hutt skin is extremely thick, and when combined with their redundant organs and tough flesh, can result in Hutts being able to survive direct blaster fire hits. Hutts are hermaphrodites, bearing male and female reproductive organs. Typically, Hutts are referred to as males, but in some cases, certain Hutts seem to assign themselves permanently female gender roles. It is unknown whether this is a personal choice, or biological in nature. Hutts are also inedible by any life as even the Sarlacc can't digest them.

Jabba the Hutt is different from most of his race in that he has a continuing fascination, even borderline obsession, with bipedal humanoid females. Jabba has scantily-clad slave girls of various species to serve him at any of his dwellings, which include his throne room on Nal Hutta and his retreat on Tattooine. His most noteworthy slave girl was Princess Leia Organa, who eventually killed him. To judge by the reaction of his various slaves, Hutts, even in the exotic Star Wars universe, aren't considered very attractive themselves.

Hutts reproduce asexually, and apparently at a whim. When a Hutt decides that it is time for him to bear an offspring, he can change his gender and become pregnant without assistance from any other lifeform. An infant Hutt, known as a Huttlet, is the size of an orange when born, and lives in the parent's pouch for decades before becoming "fully developed." Hutts can claim a lifespan of 1,000 standard years. Adolescents become adults when they reach the age of 100 years.

Hutts are also unique in that they are one of the few species that are resistant to the Force. Jedi mind tricks generally do not have effect upon the Hutts (although in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Bastila Shan can successfully perform a mind trick on Motta the Hutt). According to Wookieepedia, it comes from a strong mind. Additionally, Hutts have the ability to see ultra-violet light.

Return of the Jedi establishes that Hutts eat small, worm-like creatures while they're still alive and wriggling.

[edytuj] Society

There is an old Hutt saying: Blood is thicker than slime. Nal Hutta is ruled by the Clans of the Ancients, which is composed of leaders of the eldest clans on Nal Hutta. Many Hutts leave their home world to form kajidics, or criminal empires, under the control of the Clan. Hutts hold their families in very high regard--except when leadership of the clan is available. Hutts kill members of their species, and their families, for advancement of power, but that is their way.

If a non-Hutt kills a Hutt, then it will usually result in a death-mark, or bounty, being put on the offending party. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Leia Organa-Solo were the most famous recipients in their role in the death of Jabba the Hutt. The death mark against them lasted for about ten years before it was removed by Durga the Hutt during the Darksaber incident. However Hutts' grudges last a very long time and the deathmark was reinstated after Durga's death.

Hutts do not generally reveal their family names to non-Hutts (close subordinates, such as councilors, are very familiar with Huttese clan politics, as they must to advise and orchestrate attacks and business well); as such only a few Hutt clans are known by name. The two most prominent are Desilijic, the Clan of Jabba the Hutt, and Besadii, the most powerful before the death of Durga the Hutt.

[edytuj] Notable Hutts

[edytuj] Beldorion the Hutt

Grafika:Beldorian Leia Duel TEC.jpg
Beldorian duels with Leia Organa Solo

Beldorion was a Hutt who trained to be a Jedi sometime before the Clone Wars (the only known Huttese Jedi). Beldorion journeyed to Nam Chorios with his fellow Jedi Taselda, ostensibly to investigate the Theran movement. When he arrived, Beldorion sensed that Nam Chorios itself was a potent nexus for the power of the Force. Therefore, Beldorion stayed and established himself as ruler of the planet, struggling for power with Taselda, who was also drawn in by Chorios' power. Beldorion become a pawn of the humanoid droch Dzym. He gave himself such titles as "Beldorion of the Ruby Eyes" and "Beldorion the Splendid." With the Force and Dzym's help, Beldorion remained strong and youthful, his body pure muscle, avoiding the corpulence and immobility of most Hutts his age. However, at the onset of the Clone Wars, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine used special emergency powers to send Seti Ashgad to Nam Chorios in a political expansionist movement. Seeing that Beldorion the Hutt had no real interest in ruling Nam Chorios so long as his desires were satisfied, Ashgad rose to become the planet's unofficial ruler. But Ashgad soon realized that Beldorion had only been a figurehead for a more insidious figure, Dzym.

About thirteen years after the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo traveled to Nam Chorios to meet with Ashgad. While there, Leia was taken prisoner and met Beldorion. While he held her captive, Beldorion told her stories of the ancient Jedi Masters such as Thon and Yoda, whose power he admired, if not their principles. Leia eventually escaped, and together with Luke uncovered Ashgad and Dzym's plan to unleash a plague throughout the sector. During the attempt to stop Ashgad, Leia was attacked by Beldorion. At nine meters, Beldorion was large even for a Hutt, and possessed none of the corpulent rolls that immobilized lazy Hutts like Jabba the Hutt. The old Hutt was all muscle and fire, and attacked with his lightsaber with astonishing quickness. Although Leia had not been trained extensively in lightsaber combat, she did have combat training and a keen insight into the flow of the Force. A long swift side cut killed the Hutt.[2][3]

[edytuj] Durga the Hutt

His Great Obesity, Lord Durga Besadii Tai was a Hutt and the successor of Aruk as head of the Besadii kajidic.

[edytuj] Gardulla the Hutt

Gardulla the Hutt, also known as Gardulla the Elder, is one of the Hutt crime lords of Tatooine. Her assistant is Diva Funquita. She is best known for buying Shmi and Anakin Skywalker, then lost them to Watto, a junk dealer, whilst betting on the pod-races. Gardulla is a sometimes rival of Jabba the Hutt and appears briefly as his guest at the Podrace scene in The Phantom Menace. Gardulla also sponsors Podracers, including Gasgano. After the Boonta Eve Classic, Gardulla offered Watto a substantial sum to regain ownership of Anakin, but the Toydarian had already lost the boy to Qui-Gon Jinn.

Gardulla attempted to feed Jango Fett to her personal Krayt dragon, but was in turn killed by the bounty hunter by being pushed into the Krayt dragon's lair and devoured after being interrogated for information on the Bando Gora cult.

[edytuj] Gorga the Hutt

Gorga Desilijic Glooma, better known as Gorga the Hutt, is nephew of Jabba the Hutt.

[edytuj] Grubba the Hutt

Grubba Desilijic Aarrpo (Grubba the Hutt) is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. Grubba was the son of Pazda the Hutt, nephew of Jabba the Hutt and brother of Gorga the Hutt. On Nar Shaddaa, he lead a small crime syndicate called Varl's Children and never got much bigger in the crime business. When his uncle Jabba died, his brother proposed they take advantage of the situation. He immediately agreed, trying to boost his crime reputation. His laid-back attitude kept him from becoming a true crime lord. They tricked Jabba's father and took over Jabba's castle. Past then, he never really paid attention to what went on, and let his brother do all the handling as long as he got credit. One day while torturing a man who tried to oppose him, he heard news that they were to be bombed by some Hutt named Oopatcha who had come a few days earlier, so he warned everyone and they all evacuated to his ship. The B'omarr monks who lived in the bottom levels of the castle ratted them out and Grubba was killed with his brother, uncles, and father.

[edytuj] Kossak the Hutt

Kossak the Hutt is a powerful businessman said to have lives around the same time as Xim The Despot and was directly responsible for Xim's defeat at The Third Battle of Vontor. What is known of this is that Kossak the Hutt had tricked the Klatooians, Vodrans into signing themselves into virtual slavery and that it was Kossak that used the Vodrans and Klatooians during the final battle that ended the reign of Xim The Despot.

[edytuj] Jabba the Hutt

Zobacz więcej w osobnym artykule: Jabba the Hutt.

Jabba the Hutt is an antagonist who first appeared on film in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, and later in the re-release of Star Wars Episode IV. Jabba was originally portrayed by an immense latex puppet, but in later releases he is a computer-generated image (CGI). Besides the films, Jabba the Hutt is featured in Star Wars literature and is sometimes referenced by his full name, Jabba Desijljic Tiure.[4]

He is a 600-year-old Hutt crime lord and gangster who employs a retinue of criminals, bounty hunters, smugglers, assassins, and bodyguards to operate his criminal empire. Jabba the Hutt's palace on the desert planet Tatooine is a former monastery for a group of mystics known as the B'omarr monks. There, he keeps a host of entertainers, slaves, droids, and alien creatures at his disposal. Jabba has a grim sense of humor, a bellicose laugh, an insatiable appetite, and an affinity for gambling, slave girls, and torture.[4]

The character was incorporated into the Star Wars merchandising campaign that corresponded with the theatrical release of Return of the Jedi. Jabba the Hutt's image has since played an influential role in popular culture, particularly in the United States. His name is used as a satirical literary device and a political caricature to underscore negative qualities such as morbid obesity and corruption.[5][6]

[edytuj] Vogga the Hutt

Vogga the Hutt is a Huttese businessman based on Nar Shaddaa who specialized in fuel; specifically high-grade fuel suitable for, among other things, Citadel Station. Like most Hutts, he technically is a hermaphrodite, but generally has a masculine personality. His first and only appearance is in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. He enjoys watching scantily-clad female dancers, though this always puts him to sleep. The Jedi Exile or more likely her companion Mira, may have danced for him, but this is unconfirmed.

After the Jedi Exile inadvertently caused the destruction of the Peragus mining facilities, the biggest competitor to Vogga's importing of fuel from Sleheyron, Vogga began attempting to replace the sudden shortage of fuel. G0-T0 opposed the Hutt's business plan. In retaliation, Vogga hired a considerable number of bounty hunters (like Hanharr) and bribed a number of G0-T0's underlings (like Visquis). The Exile took advantage of this when she registered the Ebon Hawk as a freighter of Vogga's; unsurprisingly, this resulted in G0-T0 intercepting the freighter, whereupon the Exile caused G0-T0's yacht to decloak. Vogga's waiting vessels promptly blew it out of space. Vogga further won in that G0-T0, under the Exile's prompting, agreed to ship fuel to Telos in exchange for G0-T0's non-interference.

[edytuj] Zorba the Hutt

Zorba the Hutt is the father of Jabba the Hutt.[7] He did not immediately learn of his son's death because he was imprisoned on the planet Kip. Zorba resembled his son, though he had long, white hair braids and a white beard. All of Jabba's possessions were bequeathed to Zorba, including the desert palace on Tatooine. He blamed Princess Leia Organa Solo for the murder of his son Jabba. Zorba then challenged Lando in a game of sabacc and won Cloud City. Lando soon won back Cloud City in a future game. In one instance Zorba was referred to as 'Koztas'.

[edytuj] References

  1. Hutt at theStar Wars Databank; last accessed November 16, 2006.
  2. Barbara Hambley, Planet of Twilight (paperback; New York: Bantam Spectra, 1997), ISBN 0-553-09540-4.
  3. The Essential Chronology (Star Wars), 1st edition, 2000. Kevin J. Anderson, Daniel Wallace, Bill Hughes, ISBN 0-345-43439-0
  4. 4,0 4,1 "Jabba Desilijic Tiure (Jabba the Hutt)", in Sansweet, Star Wars Encyclopedia, pp. 146-147.
  5. For example, see "Fat Wars: The Obesity Empire Strikes Back" at Center for Consumer Freedom; last accessed July 3 2006.
  6. Koenraad Kuiper, "Star Wars: An Imperial Myth," Journal of Popular Culture 21.4 (Spring 1988): p. 78.
  7. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20030911hutt

[edytuj] External links

  • Szablon:Sww
  • Hutt at the Star Wars Databank


  • da:Hutt
  • fr:Hutt
  • it:Hutt
  • fi:Huttit

[edytuj] Blaster SW


[edytuj] Rangi

jedi obrońcą, strażnikiem czy negocjatorem.

[edytuj] Juhani

[edytuj] Historia

Uwaga: W dalszej części artykułu znajdują się szczegóły fabuły lub zakończenia utworu.

[edytuj] Kanoniczna historia dla Jasnej Strony

[edytuj] Historia dla Ciemnej Strony

[edytuj] Alternatywna męska i żeńska historia Revana

In the original version of KotOR it is possible for both male and female characters to have a romantic conversation with Juhani. A patch then corrected the conversation to so it could only be accessed by female characters, as the designers intended. If one looks at the programming of the game, it can be seen that the conversation is only accessible by female characters. Cut content indicates that there was at one point supposed be a full romantic subplot, but it was removed, due to concerns that explicit homosexuality was not appropriate in the Star Wars universe. The remaining conversation takes place at the end of the game where Revan and Juhani express their feelings for each other and agree to discuss it more fully later, presumably after the game ends.

[edytuj] Dyskusja - Debates

There are hot debates regarding her sexual orientation: some think she is a lesbian, others see her as bisexual. Others have implied she could be a transexual, but this has yet to be demonstrated. According to Chris Avellone, the script regarding the romance sequence has a terrible bug which prevents the female player from declaring her true feelings towards the Cathar, and due to the short development cycle, the option was not implemented.

[edytuj] Ciekawostki

[edytuj] Chimera


Grafika:Imperial sd.jpg
A typical Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

Chimera to gwiezdny niszczyciel klasy Imperium (ang. The Imperial-class Star Destroyer), z fikcyjnego uniwersum Gwiezdnych wojen. Mimo, iż statek uczestniczył w bitwie o Endor, jego nazwa nie pada w żadnym z filmów, a pierwszy raz pojawia się w książce Timothy'ego Zahna Dziedzic imperium.

[edytuj] Służba

Uwaga: W dalszej części artykułu znajdują się szczegóły fabuły lub zakończenia utworu.

[edytuj] Early history and the Battle of Endor

The Chimaera's early history has been left largely unrevealed, although her name appears to indicate that she was one of the extremely early Imperial-class ships produced along with the Gorgon, Manticore, Hydra, and Basilisk. The latter four ships would be assigned to protecting the Maw Installation, and would never be reunited with the Chimaera after that assignment.

The Chimaera was part of the Imperial fleet that participated in the Battle of Endor. After the destruction of the fleet's flagship (the Super Star Destroyer Executor), the second Death Star, and the death of the Emperor, the Imperials found the tide had turned against them, and the cohesion and morale of the Imperial forces was rapidly collapsing. Six Star Destroyers and the fleet's "communication ship" were lost, and the Captain of Chimaera was killed during the course of the battle. The ship's executive officer, Gilad Pellaeon took command of the Chimaera, which was the vessel delegated command of the fleet in the event of the loss of the Executor. After reviewing the rapidly-degenerating situation, then-Captain Pellaeon issued the order to retreat from the Endor system.

For the next five years, the ship was in what was later termed "rear guard harassment" of New Republic forces. A crew shortage became so acute that the Empire was forced to conscript young people into the crew. Young and inexperienced people who never would have even seen on the bridge of an Imperial warship--much less an Imperial-class Star destroyer--made up the bulk of the crew aboard Chimaera.

[edytuj] New Republic era

About four years after the Battle of Endor, Grand Admiral Thrawn returned from the unknown regions of the galactic halo. Thrawn found the Chimaera, and decided to use it as his flagship. Pellaeon remained in command of the ship while Thrawn commanded the fleet. As one of Grand Admiral Thrawn's first acts as Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces, he took the Chimaera on a mission to Tatooine to retrieve a rare piece of art that contained classified New Republic intelligence. Thrawn took over the former Captain's suite and remodeled it into his personal command room, with a vast collection of holographic and real art. From there and the Chimaera's bridge, Thrawn used his understanding of art and psychology to craft strategies against the New Republic, which he used to devastating success. Over the next year, the Chimaera participated in a number of actions that were directed by Thrawn, including the Battle of Sluis Van, where an Imperial attempt to steal a New Republic fleet resulted in the irreparable damage of a large number of New Republic ships.

Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Thrawn directed the Imperial forces during the Battle of Bilbringi from the Chimaera. During the battle, Thrawn was assassinated by his Noghri bodyguard Rukh just as the situation was becoming the most grim for the Imperial fleets involved in the operation. Leaderless and increasingly pushed to the breaking point, Pellaeon was forced to order another disheartening retreat. Rukh was killed attempting to escape from the ship.

Following the death of Thrawn, Pellaeon commanded most of the fleets from Bilbringi from the bridge of the Chimaera to the edge of the Unknown Regions, in preparation for a last stand of some sort against the New Republic. While organizing there, word of the cloned Emperor's appearance reached the Empire, and the Chimaera once again fought under the banner of Palpatine. During the cloned Emperor's extremely costly Operation Shadowhand campaign (as recorded in the Dark Empire trilogy), the Chimaera was critically damaged during wave assaults against the Core world of Duro, and Gilad Pellaeon was forced to order the ship abandoned. High Admiral Teradoc's forces retrieved the Chimaera survivors before Imperial forces abandoned the Duro system. It was through this event that Gilad Pellaeon would come to be a vice admiral in the employ of Teradoc during the brief but fratricidal warlord period (following the eventual success of a long-standing assassination plot by a cabal of Imperials against the repeatedly-cloned Palpatine).

The Chimaera herself was captured by the New Republic before she could be pulled into Duro's gravity well and destroyed, and was paraded back into Republic space as a valuable war prize. She was placed in drydock at the fleet repair yards at Gravlex Med, and underwent repairs by the New Republic for several years until Pellaeon, by that time a full admiral and Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces (a position once held by Darth Vader and Grand Admiral Thrawn), would recapture the old ship. From that point, Admiral Pellaeon would consistently make the Chimaera his flagship.

The Chimaera was next seen in the Timothy Zahn book Specter of the Past, which took place during the Caamas Document Crisis in the New Republic. The new captain of the Chimaera was an aspiring but relatively inexperienced officer named Ardiff, who was to Admiral Pellaeon what Pellaeon himself was to the legendary Thrawn in many respects. Chimaera spent most of this time with Pellaeon aboard, personally investigating the unauthorized use of remaining cloned personnel by a group of pirates and attempted to seek a negotiated peace settlement with the New Republic, which by this time Pellaeon had become convinced the Empire could not defeat. He also devoted resources into investigating rumors that Grand Admiral Thrawn was still alive and had recently returned to Imperial service. After finally unraveling the conspiracy to seize control of the Empire with the faux Thrawn, Pellaeon was able to complete his peace mission to the New Republic. Shortly thereafter, the Bastion Accords which would end the monumentally destructive Galactic Civil War were signed in orbit of the Empire's capitol aboard the Chimaera.

Following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, Pellaeon was promoted by the Imperial Council of Moffs to the rank of Grand Admiral, and the Chimaera remained in service as the flagship of the Supreme Commander.

[edytuj] Yuuzhan Vong crisis

When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy after an all-too-brief period of relative peace, the New Republic eventually dispatched Princess Leia Organa Solo to request military assistance from the Imperial Remnant. After meeting with and convincing Pellaeon of the dire threat the Yuuzhan Vong, the Empire reluctantly allowed Pellaeon to assemble a fleet to aid the Republic.

While Grand Admiral Pellaeon's forces were rallying, the "Old Man of the Empire" took the Chimaera and the Victory-class Star Destroyer Red Harvest to rescue embattled New Republic forces in the Garqi system. That done, Pellaeon returned to the Empire to take command of his assembled assistance fleet, which quickly moved to the New Republic member world of Ithor. A combined force of New Republic and Remnant warships, including a 19,000 meter long "Super Star Destroyer", defended the planet against a giant Yuuzhan Vong force. Despite vociferous protestations from the Chief of Staff of the New Republic, the New Republic forces deferred overall command to Grand Admiral Pellaeon, and as a result, the Chimaera became the command ship for the combined nations' fleets for the duration of the battle.

Despite a heroic defense of the planet against conventional attack, Yuuzhan Vong biological weapons of mass destruction utterly devastated Ithor. However, before the Yuuzhan Vong forces could retreat from the system, a massive missile and torpedo barrage by the allied fleets managed to destroy the Legacy of Torment--the giant command ship of the enemy force--and maim several other Yuuzhan Vong vessels.

After word of the atrocity reached Imperial space, mass panic by the Imperial population forced the Council of Moffs to order Pellaeon and his fleet to return to Imperial space to defend against possible Yuuzhan Vong attack and maintain order among the frightened population. With the exception of a small task force centered around the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Erinnic, Pellaeon, the Chimaera, and all of the Imperial forces withdrew back into their borders, where they would remain for the next couple of years.

When the Yuuzhan Vong eventually attacked the Empire, they struck directly at its heart: The capitol of Bastion. By launching a number of hit-and-run attacks against other Imperial planets (most notably the Empire's financial hub-world of Muunilist, which was bombarded from orbit by the Yuuzhan Vong), the Yuuzhan Vong were able to keep the Imperials uncertain of their true target, and when they eventually attacked Bastion, they did so with an unprecedentedly huge number of gruchin organisms (which attack spaceships in much the same way as the robotic buzz droids that the Separatist forces employed late in the Clone Wars). The Braxant Sector Fleet, with the Chimaera as its command ship, wound up divided by the enemy forces. The Yuuzhan Vong pushed all the way through the shattered Imperial lines, pummeled Bastion's planetary defenses away, and burned the capitol city of the Empire to the ground.

Realizing that the Yuuzhan Vong had come mostly to destroy the Imperial Starfleet, Pellaeon ordered the Braxant Sector Fleet to abandon the system and regroup at Yaga Minor. Before the Grand Admiral could follow suit with the Chimaera, a Yuuzhan Vong kamikaze attack to the Star Destroyer's bridge nearly killed Pellaeon, and with the ship's command and control functions crippled, Chimaera was severely damaged and unable to jump hyperspace. Through presumably superhuman efforts, her crew was both able to evacuate the near-death Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces to Yaga Minor aboard a Lambda-class shuttle and eventually--but just barely--save the Chimaera herself. She was able to limp into the Yaga Minor fleet yards some days later, where she would undergo massive repairs for the remainder of the war. The Chimaera's status is currently unknown; as the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, Pellaeon's flagship is the Megador.

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