Wikipedia:Policies an guidelines
Frae Wikipedia
This page is conseidered an offeicial policy on Wikipedia. It haes wide acceptance amang editors and is conseidered a staundard that aabodie shuid follae. For onie but smaa edits, please mak uise o the collogue page ti propone chynges ti this policy. |
Wikipedia is a jynt projeck an its foonders and contreibutors hae a commoun aim:
- Oor aim wi Wikipedia is ti mak a trustie an free encyclopaedia—atweill, the greatest encyclopaedia in history, in baith breadth an depth.
Wikipedia haes some policies an guidelines that help us ti work for that commoun aim. Some o thir policies are aye chyngin, whiles ithers are lang settled an maistly uncontroversial.
While oor policies continue to evolve, monie Wikipedians jalouse that written rules canna cover ilka possible kin o disruptive or malevolent behaviour. For exemplar, a uiser that acks agin the speirit o oor written policies micht be caaed ower een gin the letter o the rules haesna been violated. Them that edit in guid faith, shaw civeility, leuk for consensus, an work for the aim o making an impartial encyclopaedia, shuid find a walcoming environment.
Table o contents |
[edit] Key policies
Ye dinna hae ti read ilka Wikipedia policy afore ye contreibute! Houaniver, the follaeing policies are key til a productive Wikipedia experience, an the suiner ye get ti grips wi them, the better.
- Wikipedia is an encyclopaedia. Its aims gang nae further. See Whit Wikipedia isna for mair wittins.
- Evyte bias. Airticles shuid be screivan frae a neutral pynt o view, explainin differin views on a subjeck fairly and sympathetically.
- Dinna infringe copyrichts. Wikipedia is a free encyclopaedia licensed under the terms o the GNU Free Documentation Licence. Submittin work that infringes copyrichts threatens oor objective ti big a richt free encyclopaedia that oniebodie can redistribute, an micht lead ti legal trouble. See Wikipedia copyrichts for mair information.
- Respeck ither contreibutors. Wikipedia contreibutors come frae monie deifferent kintras an culturs, and hae gey deifferent views. Traitin ithers wi respeck is key ti workin thegither weel in biggin an encyclopaedia. For some guidelines, see Wikipedia Mainers, Wikipedia:Makars rules o engagement, Wikipedia:Civeility, Dispute resolution.
[edit] Ither policies an guidelines
Airtins ti various policies can be foond in the follaeing categories:
- Category:Wikipedia offeicial policy - policies that are widely accepit an that aabody maistly follaes
- Category:Wikipedia guidelines - informal rules o thoomb that are maistly accepit bi consensus ti apply in monie cases
[edit] Conventions
By follaeing thir we can mak a mair consistent and more uisable encyclopaedia:
- Editin policy (Whit wey ti edit airticles)
- Namin conventions (Whit wey ti title airticles)
- Disambiguation (Wit wey ti resolve title conflicts)
- Eimage uise policy (Handlin uploads)
- Deletion policy (Whit wey ti nominate pages for deletion an, (restrickit) whit wey ti dae the deletion)
[edit] Procedural questions
[edit] Whit wey are policies decided?
Maist Wikipedia policy wis set in the early days o the projeck, maistly afore the end o 2002. Chynges and addeitions are made by consensus, altho in practice consensus on policy chynges is unco deifficult to win. In monie cases policy haes grown informally; written policies usually codify the tradition o langsyne.
Proponed an rejeckit policies are in thir categories:
- Category:Wikipedia proposals - ideas bein proponed as possible new policies
- Category:Wikipedia rejected policies - policy ideas that haev bin rejeckit or abandoned
See forbye Wikipedia:Whit wey ti mak policy.
[edit] Whit wey are policies enforced?
You are a Wikipedia editor. Wikipedia disnae hae a heid editor or a central, top-doon seistem whaurby the dailiday work on the encyclopaedia is watchit an appruivit. Instead, workin contreibutors mak copyedits an corrections ti the content and leyoot problems they see. Sae the contreibutors are baith writers an editors.
Maist policies an guidelines are thus enforced bi individual users editin pages, an discussin maiters wi ane anither. Forbye some policies are enforced bi temporary blocks (abuin aa as a wey o dealin wi vandalism) by admeinistrators. In the waur cases the Arbitration Committee micht mak a rulin ti deal wi disruptive situations, as pairt o the general dispute resolution procedure.
[edit] Restrickit features
Some features o the saftware that micht be turned til ill, sic as deletin pages an lockin pages frae editin, are restrickit til Admeinistrators, that are experienced, trustie members o the community. Policies gey relevant to admeinistrators include:
- Protection policy (Whan and whit wey ti proteck a page)
- Blockin policy (Blockin uisers ti deal wi vandalism or til enforce deceisions o the arbitration committee)
[edit] Types of guidelines
ower an abuin the accepit policies leeted abuin, the follaeing guidelines haev bin suggestit bi ae chiel or anither:
[edit] General guidelines
- Contreibute whit ye ken or are willin ti lairn aboot
- Be bauld in updatin pages
- Mak omeissions explicit
- Big the wab
- Evyte uisin bots
- Gie an edit summary
For ither uisefu tips, see evyting commoun mistaks.
[edit] Behaviour guidelines
- Sign yer posts on collogue pages
- Dinna sweir
- Nae personal attacks (an muive personal debates ti email)
- Nae legal thraits
- Log in afore makking drastic chynges ti existing airticles
- Nae offensive uisernames
- Dinna bite the newcomers
- Dinna mak airticles aboot yersel
- Aye explain yer reverts
- Three revert rule (Revert wars conseidered harmfu)
- Dealin wi admeinistration issues
- Uise yer uiser pages the richt wey
[edit] Content guidelines
- Wikipedia:Guide ti screivin brawer articles
- Explain jargon
- Deal wi havers the richt wey
- State the obvious
- Cite soorces: pynt the reader til authoritative references (an leet them richt)
- Verifiability: mak shuir wittins cited is verifiable gin ye maun. (This disna ettle that it is "offeicial" -- it juist refers to ithers' abeility ti confirm that it exists an that it is as stated)
- Evyte statements that will date snell
- Stay on topic
- Warn readers aboot spylers
- Mak airticles uisefu for readers (an conseider the audience whiles ye're writin)
- Check yer facts
- Summarise colleaguin (aifter a whilie)
- Evyte peacock terms
- Evyte weasel terms
- Evyte self-references
- Avoid POV phrases
- Algorithms on Wikipedia
- Evyte "Spuin feedin"
[edit] Style guidelines
- tyle Haundbeuk
- Dinna pit in copies o primary soorces
- Aye full in the summary field
- Follae heichlichtin conventions
- Conseider the context whan makking airtins
- Uise subheads sparingly
- Uise cutty sentences and leets
- Dinna uise line breaks
- Evyte ae-sentence paragraphs
- Dinna uise subpages
[edit] Guideines regardin groupin techniques for airticles
- Chuising the richt groupin technique(s): Wikipedia:Categories, leets, an series boxes
- By groupin wey:
- leets
- categories, an ither airticles in Category:Wikipedia categorisation
- series boxes (or: navigational templates)
[edit] Ither essays an discussions aboot Wikipedia
- The Meta-Wikipedia steid hauds monie airticles aboot Wikipedia an relatit topics in a mair editorial style.
- Makkin whit-wey-til airticles in Wikipedia.
- Wikipedia:Topical index leets monie policy, editin, behaviour, an ither resoorces.
- Wikipedia:Votes_for_deletion/Policy_consensus haes a nummer o discussions establishin consensus gif some groups o airticles shuid or shuidna be in Wikipedia.