簡譜,叫做數字譜,係一隻主要用數字寫嘅樂譜。起源於法國,後尾德國人改良而成。自從1904年引入中國之後,響中國大行其道。德文叫Ziffersystem,直譯英文即係cipher system或者number system,即係用數字起嘅系統。
目錄 |
[編輯] 史
Souhaitty C. Willems寫過本The Story of Notation,裹面就有講巴黎方濟會修士響1677年就將1234567代入唱名ut, re, me, fa, sol, la, se,亦有加點表明響個譜嘅位置。
法國人盧梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)就響1742年,響法國科學院(French Academy of Sciences)講佢呢個發明。
[編輯] 系統
[編輯] 音符
音階: C D E F G A B 音名: do re mi fa sol la si 數字: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[編輯] 八度
. 大調: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 小調: 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 · ·
[編輯] 音長
全音符: 1 - - - 加一點: 1 - - - - - 加兩點: 1 - - - - - - 二分音符: 1 - 加一點: 1 - - 加兩點: 1 - - · 四分音符: 1 加一點: 1· 加兩點: 1·· 八分音符: 1 加一點: 1· 加兩點: 1·· 十六分音符: 1 =
[編輯] 休止符
休止符用0來表示。長過四分休止符,就只係每一個四分休止符多個0,唔使用後面加條橫綫。如果成個小節都係無聲。就每個四分音符一個0,好似3拍4就寫成"| 0 0 0 |",而4拍4就寫成| 0 0 0 0 |。呢方面唔似五綫譜唔同音長有唔同休止符。
[編輯] 無音高音符
4/4 > > 拍手: | X X X X X | X X X X 0 X X ||
[編輯] 小節綫
[編輯] 拍號
拍號就寫到好似分數(分讀份)咁:2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8,等等。通常都擺響調號後面。拍號可以用音樂擺埋一行,又或者擺響上面。
[編輯] 變調同調號
調號可以用兩隻方法。可以就咁寫C調,C小調,又或者Key: C, Key: Cm。亦都可以寫明1代表邊個音,例1=C,就係C 大調。6=C就係C小調。2=D就係多利安調。
[編輯] 延音綫, 圓滑綫, 同其他音樂符號
[編輯] 變種
[編輯] History and Usage
Although the system is used to some extent in Germany, France, and Holland, and more by the Mennonites in Russia, it has never become popular in the Western world. See the external links for more information.
The system is very popular among some Asian people. Some Chinese people can sight read jianpu but not the standard notation. Some Chinese hymnals and Cantopop song books are published exclusively in jianpu. Many modern Chinese-English bilingual hymnals add jianpu of the melody above the standard notation, and make use of it in the index for the songs.
An index using the numbered notation allows us to find a song if we remember the tune but not the name. To appreciate that, we can look at an example. A children's song book may have an index like this:
|1· 1· |1 23· | Row, row, row your boat |1 1 5 5 |6 6 5 - | Twinkle, twinkle little star |1 2 3 1 |1 2 3 1 | Frere Jacques
A reason of its popularity among Chinese is that jianpu fits in with the Chinese music tradition. It is a natural extension and unification of the gongche notation widely used in ancient China for recording music. Gongche uses a number of characters to indicate the musical notes, and jianpu can be seen as using numbers to replace those characters.
Compared to the standard notation, the numbered notation is very compact for just the melody line. It is even possible to transcribe music in between the lines of text. Transcribing harmony can be done by vertically stacking the notes, but the advantage of compactness decreases as the harmony becomes more complex.
[編輯] 例
[編輯] 出面網頁
- A page in The Life and Work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau shows his published work.
- Ziffersystem (Numerical Musical Notation) in the Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online.
- Canaan Hymnal (Simplified Chinese) is an example of a Chinese hymn book written in jianpu.
- Can You Shake It? The Angklung of Southeast Asia has examples of cipher notation used in South Asian music.
- Magith is a shareware to create music using numbered musical notation.
- S-Music Alpha version is a freeware editor for simplified music notation.