Assessment reports: |
First (1990) |
1992 sup. |
Second (1995) |
Third (2001) |
Fourth (2007) |
政府際氣候變更會 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ,IPCC) 係1988年由聯合國世界氣象組織 (WMO) 同聯合國環境計劃 (UNEP), 成立,用科學同埋技術嘅出版文獻,來評估人類帶來嘅氣候變更嘅風險。[1] 呢個會開放畀 全部 WMO 同 UNEP 嘅會員。
IPCC reports are widely cited in almost any debate related to climate change.[2][3] National and international responses to climate change generally regard the UN climate panel as authoritative.[4]
目錄 |
[編輯] 目標
IPCC 嘅做嘢原則[5] 來由相干嘅WMO行政會同UNEP管理會決議同決定,亦都支持聯合國嘅氣候變更架構大會過程。( as well as on actions in support of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change process.)
[編輯] 參閱
- Global warming
- G8+5
- Climate tourists
- Summary for policymakers
- Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change international conference
[編輯] 連出去
[編輯] 註
- ↑ IPCC 唔會自己研究,亦唔會監察氣候資料。渠地嘅評估完全根據己經同行評審同出版嘅科學技術文獻。(About IPCC)
- ↑ The Royal Society. [1]. Retrieved December 19 2006.
- ↑ The Royal Society. [2]. Retrieved December 19 2006.
- ↑ Lord Rees of Ludlow, the president of the Royal Society, Britain's most prestigious scientific institute, said: "The IPCC is the world's leading authority on climate change…" .(The Guardian)
- ↑ IPCC. Principles Governing IPCC Work. Retrieved December 19 2006.